Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Moby Wrap!

This is a new product I bought at the Pump Station on my last visit. It's called the "Moby Wrap." I wanted something to carry my baby in when going for a walk. Sometimes it's just too hard to push a stroller and hold the dog's leash as I walk. So this lets me be hands free.

It is 15 feet long and I had to take a class on how to wrap it around my body. The instructor talked about how at the beginning of time, babies were always attached to their mommies so this is a very natural place for them to be. The baby likes it because he is squished up next to me and can hear my heart, which is reminiscent of being in the womb. On sunny days I can cover him COMPLETELY to protect him from the sun. It feels great on my back and can be worn for many hours. I can do laundry and the dishes while holding him.

I'm still trying to get used to all the positions you can arrange your baby. But so far, Teo likes this position the best.

It was $40 something and I got it for $19 with Jeanie's discount. She has been saving me a lot of money! My shopping spree that day at the pump station was over $300, but I left only paying $144!

Three cheers for Jeanie's discount. Hip Hip Hooray!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Candice - you're back on the blog! and you and Teo look great. He is just the cutest thing from head to toe -love the green shoes!