Thursday, April 9, 2009

There's cute...

... and then there's CUTE.

The pic at right and the one posted here along with this post is Teo on Day 2 at home.
As you can see, Mom is really looking chipper and beautiful and beaming - part from being more rested and the comforts of sleeping at home, and part due to the fact she was able to shower. (Before you skewer me, Candice TOLD me to say that! I think she's ALWAYS beautiful, no matter what.)
When we took this picture, I half-jokingly asked Teo to smile too, and being the genius Golden Child that he is, he happily obliged. Can you spell CUTE? I think I might have to find Teo an agent and start finding work for him in the "business." (We do live in LA after all.) I was going to wait until he was 3 years old before I sent him to Tijuana to sell chicle on the streets like any decent hard-working baby should be doing by that age to earn his keep, but with that face and that GIANT BRAIN, I think he'll be a shoo-in for some commercial spots (like his mom!) to get the career going.
So if he becomes the bread-winner in the family, I can let the whole should-be-walking-before-2-months-old thing go.


Julie/mom said...

Gil, I quite enjoy your writing. Informative, amusing and so real.

G Dawney said...

This Golden Child of yours is incredibly CUTE!!!! My kids say that Teo is the spitting image of Gil. So, what does that make you?

Tatia said...

Gil, you really make me laugh...and Teo IS the cutest baby I have seen in...oh, at least 8 1/2 years.