Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Live Long and Prosper

This week Teo went to his first movie debut.

Tanner got to tag along as well . . . I told him he could skip ONE day of school to stay home and help me with the baby. This seemed like the perfect day.

We went to the mommy and me movie matinee on Monday (nice alliteration). We got there early to have plenty of time to pack, unpack, strap in the carseat, get the stroller ready, make sure we have plenty of diapers . . . all the things you have to do in order to leave the house.

I LOVED it! To my surprise, the majority of mommies were actually daddies. I couldn't believe how many dads there were with their little babies and bottles in tow. I wanted to ask what they all did for a living to be off work at 11:00 on a Monday. I was also impressed by how well everyone kept their babies quiet. I was expecting lots of crying and toddlers running all over, but everyone was very conscientious about keeping the movie ambience.

I changed his diaper twice during the movie and feed him twice as well. He slept for about half of it. But pretty well behaved most of the time. Tanner was a great help pushing the stroller, watching Teo so I could go get popcorn, and just an overall good companion. I'm glad he's ten and not two.

The movie was great too! Mondays, I'm sure, will become one of my favorite days.


Julie/mom said...

I'm glad it all worked out! It is SO nice to have a helper.

Nana said...

Wow, CMP, just the thing for you. You love movies! now, you can look forward to a movie w Teo. I hope he doesn't have to see any R rated ones. It so makes my heart say "Thank you" to hear how helpful Tanner is.