Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teo Buddy is HOME

Greetings all.
G-Daddy still here as mommy recuperates some more and tends to our little buddy.
Teo made his way home by way of his first car ride on Tuesday afternoon around 12:30. He had just been fed at the hospital before we left, so he slept through the whole ordeal of dad trying to figure out how to get him into his car seat. Once in, we drove the 4 minutes it takes to get from the hospital to our place, which is literally down the street a bit. (It was VERY comforting to know it was minutes away when Candice would be going into labor. I couldn't imagine being stuck on the freeway with Candice having contractions 4-minutes apart. Nightmarish for all indeed.)
We made it through the first night, mostly intact. Dad's got diaper duty along with Tanner, and that is proving to have it's own learning curve. Each change I/we get a little better at getting the position and adjustment just right, but because of first-timer fumbling and bumbling the first day home, Teo managed to pee/soil 5 blankets, 1 pair of jeans (mine) and my arm - 2-feet away!. Today is going considerably better :)
He got up at 2am for an hour of feeding/changing/cuddling and then again at 4am and at 7:45am. A little rough, but manageable. We'll see how the next few days and nights go.
I'm just a tiny bit worried about him, though, because he's not walking yet. He's IS the Golden Child after all, so I expected walking by now and then levitation at 1-month, but that's cool, because he did say his first word already, so I'll give him another few days for the walking thing.
Enjoy the pics!


Julie/mom said...

Pretty pink shirt! Nice outfit for Teo too.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whatever happened to the pee shield?