Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Teo Pics; Grandma Connie Visits

Here's some new pics of Teo, Mr. One-Year-Old (and a couple of weeks). He has really changed a lot in just these last couple of months. Amazing how much has happened in that little time. He went from just starting to walk (the day before his 11-month b-day) to currently no more crawling. He just motors all over the house on his own - and the yard - and the neighborhood. We help him with the bigger steps, when he's too lazy (or in too much of a hurry) to go down feet-first. Otherwise, he's quite self-mobile and prefers it that way.
Grandma Connie came for a visit for the week of his birthday. Teo enjoys her company especially because she will take him outside every time he wants to go out- which is almost every minute of every day. He's gotten to the point of understanding and throwing little tantrums to get his way, mostly to go outside; other times because we wont allow him to hold something that he has no business holding yet - knives, forks, misc pointy objects. Other valuables. BTW our cell phones don't fall into that latter category. He's thrown mine all over the place more times than I care to remember. I THINK I have insurance on it.
Anyways, here's a sampling of pics from his Grandma C's visit and other random Teo-time.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Darling pictures, Gil. Thank you. Teo is adorable - so is your Mom. It's been a couple of months since I have looked at the blog. Always so much fun to see a tiny one.