Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aqua Baby

Here are some pics from Teo's first forays into large bodies of water - at least larger than the kitchen sink (which he has all but outgrown, we'll have you know) and the bathtub.
The first couple of pics are from the pool at our apartment. The water is fairly warm as to not shock his little system, but cool enough to provide some respite from what has been a very hot couple of weeks (not to mention occasional smokey days from the huge fires here; we keep him inside on those days). He seems to enjoy himself in the water. He'll splash around with his arms a bit, as well as his feet, and even if he splashes himself in the face (and eyes) he seems cool with it. Since Candice and Tanner and I all love the water, we're happy that Teo enjoys it as well.
The second set of pics are from a pool party/barbecue that one of my teammates from my Tuesday night volleyball league held this past Sunday. We ventured down to one of the rougher parts of town - Beverly Hills - to enjoy some good food and friends and let Teo frolic a bit more in the water. There were lots of kids around and they were definitely creating lots of commotion and splashing about, but it only served to pique Teo's interest even more. He'd just chill in mom/dad's lap and watch the goings-on. One of his favorite things to do lately - in the water and out - is to jump up and down over and over and over. We have to hold him, of course, but he pushes hard off of our laps with his little legs and goes up and down and up and down. And in the water, this really made it fun for him, it being a whole new sensation to create little ripples and waves and splashes.
We also put him up on a little boogie board-type thing and motored him around the pool a bit. There is a video of Candice and Teo cruising around our pool that's pretty cute (when ISN'T he cute?), but it's a bit lengthy. I'll try and upload in the next post.
Enjoy the pics!

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